Knee Replacement

What does it consist of?

Infiltrating is injecting some substance, medication or product into the joint, seeking to improve pain, functionality and correct some problems or injuries within the knee.

On some occasions it is the definitive management for pathologies or it can be an auxiliary therapy added to other management strategies. Knee infiltration is a non-invasive procedure, it is performed in a procedure room set up for this purpose with all the pertinent asepsis and cleaning measures.


It is an outpatient procedure, meaning it does not require hospitalization and disability after it is usually not necessary. Based on the physical examination, that is, the evaluation of the knee, and the viewing of diagnostic images, it is decided what type of medication, substance or product is best for each patient.

The risks in general are very few, as well as the discomfort that may arise. In our office we are ready to help you, explain, and offer you the best treatment to solve your knee problem.

Our specialty is the management of all knee injuries and knee infiltration is a procedure that we perform frequently with very good opinions and satisfactory results for our patients, which gives us a lot of peace of mind and is gratifying for our professional activity and to continue giving them the best. .

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